Retail Operations

Our Voice of The Food Industry blog offers commentary from FMI subject matter experts on timely and important topics to the food industry.
  • Industry Contributions to Health and Well-being

    Nov 24, 2020
    As noted in The Food Retailing Industry Speaks 2020 (Speaks) report, “the greatest health crisis in 100 years has scrambled just about every facet of food retail, not to mention society in general.” As a result, one guiding imperative resonates ...
  • Tackling the Tough Topic of Race Relations

    Nov 23, 2020
    Just because something is difficult does not excuse us from tackling it. In fact, FMI believes the tougher the topic is, the deeper the need to address it. Consequently, FMI is partnering with the Center for Food Integrity (CFI) in an initiative to ...
  • New Twists on Retail Differentiation Strategies

    Nov 20, 2020
    Food retailers have been adapting their product and service differentiation strategies. In 2019, they pushed the boundaries to enhance strategies in specific areas. Then, in the pandemic period, they have pivoted on some strategies to accommodate ...
  • What’s for Dinner? Try the Menu of a Supper Bowl Contender

    Nov 16, 2020
    The battle for a semi-final berth was incredibly tight with only three votes separating the covenanted eighth place slot advancing to the next round and the ninth-place finisher left with thoughts of what could have been and hopes for next ...
  • Implementing a Strong Omnichannel Strategy to Avoid Supply Chain Waste

    Nov 13, 2020
    Today’s retailers need a strong omnichannel strategy in place to meet rapidly changing consumer needs resulting from the pandemic. As more people choose to take advantage of ecommerce for delivery of their essential food items, retailers must ensure ...
  • Innovation Takes on New Meaning in Private Brands

    Nov 6, 2020
    When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived, many companies temporarily put at least some private brand product innovation on hold to address the crisis. More recently, we’re starting to see a renewed commitment to innovation. Food retailers saw the pandemic ...
  • Food Retailers Put Technology Front and Center

    Nov 5, 2020
    Consider how technology experimentation has played out in the food retail industry. In recent years, retailers have made progress in fits and starts, going after use cases ranging from better customer experience to improved efficiency. ...
  • How the Food Industry Prepares to Keep Shelves Stocked

    Nov 4, 2020
    We continue to experience a convergence of challenges in this country – the COVID-19 pandemic; a historic hurricane and fire season; economic distress; and heightened political and social expression – all of which are influencing changes in the way ...
  • Witnessing the Food Industry

    Nov 3, 2020
    Recently, I was able to share insights gleaned from my experience by speaking at the Retailing Summit hosted by FMI’s newest university member, Texas A&M and the Mays School of Business Center for Retailing Studies. My talk at the virtual event was ...
  • Celebrating Food Industry EPA GreenChill Award Winners

    Oct 30, 2020
    In a typical year, the FMI Energy & Store Development Conference would feature a special presentation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) GreenChill Awards, which celebrates leaders and innovators in the world of refrigerant management. The ...
  • Preparing With Confidence During a Time of Uncertainty

    Oct 29, 2020
    Since originally drafting our civil unrest guide, we continued to learn from our food industry members, host conversations among crisis, risk and safety practitioners, and produce the most reliable guide in the ...
  • Who Will (or Will Not) Be Sitting at Your Thanksgiving Table?

    Oct 28, 2020
    As I look at FMI’s most recent U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends COVID-19 Tracker, I see that we are not alone with our dilemma. Nearly a third of Americans are planning to do less this Thanksgiving than in previous years (30%). ...
  • What the Food Industry Needs to Know about the FDA Food Traceability Proposed Rule

    Oct 27, 2020
    The proposed rule on food traceability is in response to Section 204 of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and applies to those who manufacture, process, pack or hold foods on the Food Traceability List....
  • Checking In With Walmart on Seafood Sustainability

    Oct 26, 2020
    In honor of October, National Seafood Month, we checked in with one of our members that has been making headlines recently on the sustainable seafood front. Considering their global reach, Walmart has been making strides on sustainable seafood ...
  • How Food Retail Ecommerce Got Ready for Prime Time

    Oct 22, 2020
    In hindsight, it’s interesting how food retailers described their ecommerce sophistication a year ago in the FMI Food Retailing Industry Speaks report. Only 4% of responding companies with online sales considered themselves to be very sophisticated ...