Food production methods continue to evolve and innovate, becoming more technologically sophisticated. Advanced bioengineering methods, such as gene editing, are broadening the spectrum of bio-technological procedures available for use. Here are some details. 
  • Gene editing is a powerful technology with potential to address numerous societal health needs and overcome certain global food production challenges.
  • Bioengineered and gene editing are both forms of agriculture biotechnology, but they are not the same process. To create a bioengineered  – or bioengineered crop variety – scientists generally remove a gene from one organism and introduce that gene to a different organism at the cellular level. Genome editing (often referred to as “gene editing”), on the other hand, is a group of technologies that allow scientists to precisely insert, delete, or replace DNA at a specific locations within a crop’s DNA.
  • Several approaches to gene editing have been developed. As an example, the CRISPR system has generated a lot of excitement in the scientific community because it is believed to be faster, more accurate and more efficient than other existing gene editing methods.

  • While most gene edited crops are not yet being grown by farmers, examples of gene-edited crops created by scientists include non-browning mushrooms, waxy corn, slow-growing cabbage, and mildew-resistant grapes.

Policy Statements 

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