Fresh Foods

Our Voice of The Food Industry blog offers commentary from FMI subject matter experts on timely and important topics to the food industry.
  • Store Managers Are All Heart

    Feb 20, 2018
    In a world where social media, digital ads and the latest apps are all accessible, it becomes a point of differentiation to have quality, meaningful connections with people. That’s where store managers come in....
  • Your Health: Paying for It Now or Later

    Feb 8, 2018
    You pay for it now or you pay for it later – that is, when it comes to your health. These are the words from a consumer recently interviewed by IRI for our 2018 Top Trends in Fresh, which point to a struggle that is playing out every day in the food ...
  • Coming Clean About Clean Labeling

    Feb 6, 2018
    Our FMI Private Brand Council singled out the trend in clean eating due to consumer’s yearning for transparency, trust, authenticity and integrity in the food system. Still, we recognize that there are numerous inconsistencies relevant to the clean ...
  • The Power of Foodservice At Retail: What Comes After Rotisserie Chickens?

    Jan 12, 2018
    Retail foodservice has experienced robust growth in recent years that many retailers hope to build upon. FMI’s Power of Foodservice at Retail, sponsored by Hussman and The Shelby Report, strives to provide insights as to how to capitalize on this ...
  • The Freshest Source for Information

    Dec 21, 2017
    Food retailers understand that the fresh experience is dictated by the new expectations of a more engaged consumer, so it’s important for FMI to keep its finger on the pulse of the shopper, helping food retailers navigate consumers’ demands – and ...
  • The Lego Legacy of 2017

    Dec 18, 2017
    2017 has been a year of big accomplishments for FMI, but something of a Lego-experience since these huge achievements are the sum of many, many small steps and tiny pieces coming together. Over the next few weeks, FMI will devote its blog platform ...
  • Protecting Your Brand Reputation with Seafood Fraud Mitigation

    Dec 14, 2017
    While emerging technologies and tools to track and verify, such as blockchain, will enhance our future response to supply chain fraud, FMI is focusing its efforts on helping members detect it today. FMI has just released, Best Practices on How to ...
  • Fresh Grocery, the Digital Frontier and Supply Chain

    Dec 7, 2017
    In thinking through the conversations at the FMI Executive Forum Roundtable discussions last June, and in other conversations with fresh grocery leadership since then, it has struck me that there was a lot of consensus on the issues of the day, and ...
  • Pork Quality Could Top a Retailer’s Holiday Wish List

    Dec 6, 2017
    As we approach the holidays, your stores are bustling with shoppers trying to find the perfect meal for their family and friends. Pork tenderloin is a staple for many holiday tables, as evidenced by Google yielding nearly 1.6 million results for ...
  • Cooking Classes Support Family Meals

    Nov 28, 2017
    The grassroots partnership with food retailers is the reason why Common Threads is such an active partner in the FMI Foundation’s National Family Meals Month campaign to encourage families to eat one more meal together every ...
  • Can Consistent Quality Drive Repeat Pork Sales?

    Nov 21, 2017
    You may have heard that the USDA is reviewing, and has opened for public comment, a plan to revise the voluntary pork standards in place today. For the fresh pork industry, this is a monumental shift and it may directly impact retail meat cases ...
  • Recasting Disruption As Growth Opportunity

    Nov 6, 2017
    If we continue to characterize all things driving change as disruptors, we paint all change in the darker, more negative hues, suggesting that we view it as something we are being thrust into against our ...
  • Help Needed to Set the Table for Economic Growth

    Oct 12, 2017
    Our industry is in a time of great transition and change. The landscape is evolving in ways that necessitate significant capital expenditures and investments in order for traditional grocery stores and supermarkets to remain ...
  • Fresh Food in the Grocery Store and RevenueShield®

    Oct 10, 2017
    I recently sat down with Joel Berrian of Berrian Insurance Group to discuss the advantages RevenueShield® brings to FMI Members particularly around the area of fresh foods....
  • Why Now? What Has Changed? RevenueShield® Protecting Members’ Brands and Balance Sheets

    Oct 3, 2017
    FMI has added RevenueShield® to our Member Plus Program to assist members and associate members address these unconventional challenges and exposures. A unique program created exclusively for food retail, RevenueShield provides industry expertise, ...