
Our Voice of The Food Industry blog offers commentary from FMI subject matter experts on timely and important topics to the food industry.
  • The Potential for Artificial Intelligence in Food Retail

    Jan 22, 2018
    According to a fall 2017 MIT study, 85 percent of executives believe artificial intelligence will transform their companies, but only one in five have done anything to begin incorporating it into their ...
  • Strategic Questions for the Last Mile Challenge in the Digitally Engaged Marketplace

    Jan 12, 2018
    That last mile, from the retailer to the consumer - indeed, the most expensive mile - is the puzzle we are working to solve. Throughout the industry, a number of models are being tested and questions are being ...
  • Food Retail’s Golden Age of Experimentation

    Jan 11, 2018
    Just as the Golden Ages of art, literature and even television helped to shape society and stimulate a culture of creativity; this era of digital experimentation will further transform the future of food and enable food retailers to ...
  • Next-Generation Loyalty: Get it Right in Food Retailing

    Jan 10, 2018
    Having a loyal customer base is one sure-fire way to effectively compete in today’s ultra-competitive marketplace, but too often loyalty is viewed as a card, program or an initiative. Loyalty is not something you do—loyalty has to be earned, ...
  • Meeting Members Where They Are

    Jan 4, 2018
    On the road again. This phrase embodies the commitment of FMI staff to meet our members where they operate in order to share FMI programming and to learn what we can do to serve them better. FMI staff wrapped up a successful 2017 with more than 120 ...
  • FMI Education Programs Evolve with the Industry

    Jan 3, 2018
    In much the same way that shoppers no longer interact with stores as they once did, FMI members want different ways to learn. They seek experiences that will help them master practical tools, exposure to trends with insights they can apply quickly ...
  • The Lego Legacy of 2017

    Dec 18, 2017
    2017 has been a year of big accomplishments for FMI, but something of a Lego-experience since these huge achievements are the sum of many, many small steps and tiny pieces coming together. Over the next few weeks, FMI will devote its blog platform ...
  • To Speak with One Voice

    Dec 15, 2017
    We refer to this new program as the Unified Voice Protocol and it is FMI’s most recent effort to establish a model approach to proactively perpetuate the environment of trust consumers tell us they enjoy with food retailers and to enhance that trust ...
  • In the Spirit of Giving, Let’s Stir It Up!

    Dec 14, 2017
    It’s that time of year when we’re all encouraged to give back a little. Maybe you’re running a store promotion to raise money for a local charity or working with a local food back to provide families holiday meals. However you’re giving back this ...
  • What Will the Role of Store Development Be In The Digital Age of Food Retail?

    Dec 11, 2017
    Food retailers know that digital and mobile technology are influencing shoppers’ expectations for experiences and convenience. Meeting consumer needs will ultimately transform the size, layout and offering in retail ...
  • Store Managers Ingrained in the Success of a Community

    Dec 11, 2017
    It’s undeniable that these food retail professionals possess a unique quality of leadership, and an incredibly diverse skill set that, in a single day, ranges from being a professional circus ringleader to a strategically, savvy business operator. ...
  • Food Retailing, Meet Silicon Valley

    Dec 7, 2017
    There is little doubt that the leading high-tech producers have discovered the consumer goods and food retailing marketplace. In some cases, technology providers are working as our partners, working together to find automated solutions to problems ...
  • Do You Have an Appetite for Change?

    Dec 1, 2017
    The lineup of sessions at the upcoming 2018 FMI Midwinter Executive Conference is organized to provide answers to questions you have about how to meet challenges and take advantage of the opportunities of a fast-changing industry. We have assembled ...
  • How Industry Trends and Technology Will Influence the Future of Physical Stores

    Nov 29, 2017
    Much like an evolving Metro system, the retail marketplace is witnessing a convergence of new consumer preferences and technologies that are shaping its own ...
  • Cooking Classes Support Family Meals

    Nov 28, 2017
    The grassroots partnership with food retailers is the reason why Common Threads is such an active partner in the FMI Foundation’s National Family Meals Month campaign to encourage families to eat one more meal together every ...