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On-Demand Video: ABC 2021 Collaborating for Supply Chain Equilibrium Part 1: Aligning Toward Solutions

Streaming Video

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The first step in attempting to solve any problem is to agree on it. In this recorded session, we’ll level-set our understanding of the current supply chain challenges by exploring key facets of the problem: where are we today? How did we get here? How do we get out of it? How do we ensure we don’t get here again?

• Randy Edeker, Chairman of the Board, CEO and President, Hy-Vee, Inc.
• Leslie G. Sarasin, President and CEO, FMI
• Hunter Williams, Partner – Retail and Consumer Goods, Oliver Wyman

Product Details:

Product ID: 1000189
Publication Year: 2021
Pages, Size, or Length: 27 minutes