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Since 2012, the FMI has conducted surveys and published reports to track the evolution of how food retailers are meeting the needs of shoppers who are seeking healthier lifestyles. This 2021 Report on Retailer Contributions to Health & Well-being demonstrates how grocery stores have become both a destination and partner in a shopper’s health and well-being journey. The information gathered for this report will help to demonstrate how food retailers are contributing to the health of their customers. One goal is to share this information with media, legislators and the public to highlight the positive impact of our industry.
FMI’s vision is to use this information as more than a simple status report of industry activities in the sphere of health and well-being. We hope that this expanded report will serve as a useful planning tool that will help members strategically grow and shape their companies’ health and well-being offerings in a meaningful way.
Product ID: | 1000179 |
Publication Year: | 2021 |
Pages, Size, or Length: | 42 |