Since the inception of this store we have made it our mission to not only give back to the community, but improve and strengthen the existing township. Though managers may have changed from time to time one thing has always been a constant, that as a store will take pride in our community and help build it through donations, sponsorships, education programs, and leadership. Whether that comes in the form of donating to a program at a local school, sponsoring an event downtown, going out to an elementary school to educate our young people, organizing a book drive for the library or even becoming a board member of a civic organization we will strive to enhance our community. Because for us community service and outreach is not regarded as a job that we must do, rather it is seen as an opportunity that we are blessed to be able to perform. *Thanks to Tom Pardue of Pardue Photography for the pictures.
Sponsorships Jonesborough Days Kickoff Dinner Easter Extravaganza Halloween Haunts & Happenings At Home with Santa Senior Center Kids’ Day Great American Cleanup Education Went to two separate elementary schools & did a produce/health presentation to educate kids on various produce/eating healthy. Leadership We have board members on several community organizations including Keep Jonesborough Beautiful, Civitan, and Jonesborough Area Merchants Association.
We have never sat down and specifically written out objectives that we hope to attain from our community involvement. It wasn't looked at as a way to get something in return. Simply put, using our resources to enhance our community was the right thing to do. Our objectives were we wanted to help build a stronger community and make a difference in the lives of the people that live in the town. Whether that comes in the form of giving a kid a free sample or sponsoring a town event and reaching a much grander group, the core philosophy is building the community as a whole.
Our programs have grown substantially over the years. While community outreach has always been at the forefront of our store, 2016 has allowed us to get more involved by adding more educational presentations and sponsorships for events throughout the town. The success of our community involvement is not measured the same way as sales and gross profits. The accomplishment of this aspect of our store comes from the smiles on the faces of kids playing at Kids' Day, the laughter of senior citizens having a white elephant gift exchange, the excitement of school children seeing different fruits for the first time, the sincere "thank you(s)", and the hearty handshakes for a job well done. What makes this program work is that it is not forced, it's genuine. We feel good about being able help the town that we work and live in and take pride in being known for our community service. We are in the people business which is not limited merely to customer service, but permeates outside of our walls into the community.
"Our mission is to give back to our communities because our communities are good to us. That is what Food City wants to do and we are passionate about giving." - Steve Smith, CEO K-VA-T Foods Inc.
"Our town strives to contribute to the success of the local economy by emphasizing quality of life and community building activities that would not be possible without the participation of Food City. We know your heart is all about serving the community and want you to know that you are making a big difference." – Kelly Wolfe, Mayor of Jonesborough Tennessee
Support Statement:
"Our town strives to contribute to the success of the local economy by emphasizing quality of life and community building activities that would not be possible without the participation of Food City. We know your heart is all about serving the community and want you to know that you are making a big difference." – Kelly Wolfe, Mayor of Jonesborough Tennessee