FMI – The Food Industry Association appreciates the opportunity to write regarding the Standard for Determining Joint-Employer Status notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (Docket: NLRB-2022-0001) and to express concerns about a new joint employment standard. The comments below discuss how the expansion of the essential terms and conditions regarding health and safety and hours of work and scheduling, as well as the uncertain nature of case-by-case adjudication, have the potential to upend the business-to-business operational relationships that have been at the core of the food industry for decades. Additionally, FMI is a member of the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) and signed the comment letter filed by the coalition. The CDW letter details legal arguments as to why a new standard is not merited and is arbitrary and capricious under the law.

Full Comments

December 7, 2022 Ms. Roxanne L. Rothschild Executive Secretary National Labor Relations Board 1015 Half Street SE Washington, DC 20570-0001 RE: NPRM Standard for Determining Joint-Employer Status; Docket: NLRB-2022-0001 Dear Ms. Rothschild: FMI – The Food Industry Association appreciates the opportunity to write regarding the Standard for Determining Joint-Employer Status notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (Docket: NLRB-2022-0001) and to express concerns about a new joint employment standard. The comments below discuss how the expansion of the essential terms and conditions regarding health and safety and hours of work and scheduling, as well as the uncertain nature of case-by-case adjudication, have the potential to upend the business-to-business operational relationships that have been at the core of the food industry for decades. Additionally, FMI is a member of the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) and signed the comment letter filed by the coalition. The CDW letter details legal arguments as to why a new standard is not merited and is arbitrary and capricious under the law. As the food industry association, FMI works with and on behalf of the entire industry to advance a safer, healthier, and more efficient consumer food supply chain. FMI brings together a wide range of members across the value chain – from retailers that sell to consumers, to producers that supply food and other products, as well as the wide variety of companies providing critical services – to amplify the collective work of the industry. The food industry provides a wide range of full-time, part-time, seasonal, and flexible workforce opportunities in a diverse variety of careers and serves as an essential employer in every community around the country. FMI members include food retailers, wholesalers, and product suppliers who employ millions of Americans in consumer-facing, service-related businesses of all sizes. The diversity of career opportunities offered through the food industry provide individuals with employment at any stage of life and any education level. Operational Flexibility is Key for the Food Industry FMI member companies rely on business-to-business relationships for various operational needs. As such, we are very concerned that the NPRM would upend these vital operational arrangements by essentially deeming every business-to-business relationship as a joint employer relationship. The NPRM’s significant expansion of the essential terms and conditions of a joint employer relationship to capture health and safety Dstandecembards aner 7, d 20hours 22 of work and scheduling would negatively impact every aspect along the food and c onsumer goods supply chain. Ms. Roxanne L. Rothschild FMExeIc mutiemve bersSecret have ary unique needs in meeting staffing requirements in stores, distribution facilities, and diNavitisionsonal Lthraboughoutor Relati tons heir Boardbusiness operations. In addition to hiring direct employees, these businesses fulfil1015l Hoperatialf Streeonal t SneeE ds through vendors, contracts, and temporary staffing relationships. Utilizing the Washingexpertiseton, andD spC ec 2i0alt57y0 s-kill000s of 1 these separate businesses should not constitute a joint employer status. SRE: upeNrmarPRM ketStas cnarrdayr bd etfowreen Dete 30rmi,00n0i-n5g 0,0Joi00n itndi-Emviplodualy perroduc Statutss ; on Dockstore et: sNhelLRBves.-2 Foo022d -0ret001ail ers rely on w holesalers and product suppliers/manufacturers to bring products to their stores and distributions centers. WholeDear Msalers s. Rothrelscyhi on ld:prod uct suppliers/manufacturers to deliver products to their warehouses and di stribution facilities. Product suppliers/manufacturers rely on commodity producers and other vendors to briFMng I – inThgree Foodientd Is andndustr inpy Autsssoc to iattheionir fac appreiliticesiat –es antd he so forth opportuand nitys too on writhrte roegughardiout ngthe the e ntiStandare supplrd foy cr hain. Determining Joint-Employer Status notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (Docket: NLRB-2022-0001) and to All exbusipress nessecos alncernong s abothe suut a pplnewy c hain joint utiemlizple oa hosyment t ofstand local, rardeg. Thioe nal, command ennts ational belowvend discorsuss , chontrow tache tors, and outsiexpansion de staffofin theg to essupsentpliayl pterodurms cand ts and condimotive onsgo reods.gardi Retng ailhealers ofthte andn rel sayfet on outy and sidhoue crs of ompaniework and s to provide scstaffhedinulg infog,r p as roduwelcl t as thsortieng, uncpallertetain izantiature on, loaofdi cng aseof-by truc-caks,se dadrijuviding catiproduon, hacts from ve the pmanuotenfatial cturto ers upeor nd the wbusiarehnessouses -to-to busitheness indiopvieratidual reonal tairell stores, ationshiunlps oadithat ng, have and beeresortin at tng he of prodcore ofuc thets de food ipendindung stron sty for dorage ecades. Areqdduiitremionalently, FMs, sucI ih s a mas teempmberatureer of the . OConcalie unltion foroaded a Demo and recmoveratic Word from kplathce e transport(CDW) and atisigon nedand thedist criommbution ent cleyttcleer , prfiledodu bcyts the mucst oalibe tion.stoc Thked e CDonto W lsheletter dves etor iails lnto egstores’al argum manentys as t uniqueo w shyec a ntions. Foew stod andretard iails ners ot relmey on rited theandir is ow arbitn emrarply andoyees caprias wceliousl as ven under dorsthe, c laowntr. acted help, and staffing resources to fill important gaps in stoc king needs, such as specialized skills for stacking produce or bakery products, to temporary needs such Aas hols the idfoayod or seasoindustrnal y assdiocspliatayion, s. FMI works with and on behalf of the entire industry to advance a safer, heal thier, and more efficient consumer food supply chain. FMI brings together a wide range of members acAt roeacss th he stevaluep on t che hain food– f androm cretonsailumers er thatgoods sell tsuo cpplonsumy chain, ers, ttheo prodre are ucnuers methatrous h supplealty fh ood andand safet oty her regproduulaticts, ons tas what ell muas thst be e wmeide t. varieIn fatcyt, of FMcompaniI’s Safe eas pnd rovidQualiintyg Foods critical Instiservitutces e (–SQFI to ampl) serveifys t ashe a collglobectial ve leader work ofin tthhe e estindustabliryshm. ent of standards for food industry professionals. Additionally, the movement of goods from farm to manufacturing facility to distribution center to store shelf requires a complex web of scheduling to preseThe forve od theindust freshnry pess rovidand es safa wetidye ofrange food ofand fullc-otinsumme, parter produ-time, sects aswhional, ch aand re preseflexibntele d winor a mkforannerce that opportumakes foniod ties and in a dproduciverste s avarieppetyali of ng cand areers easandy to f serveind sfo as r can onsumesseners tial witemh pllimioyteer d inti emever to shopy comm. Comunitypl aroundying wtheith chealountrth y. Fand MIs mafemety stbeandards rs includeand food rlaws etand ailers, coordiwholenatisalerng s, and hours prodof workuct and suppl sciehedrs who empuling betwloeeny m illions of Abusimenessericans is aln ong consumthe serup-facplyin cg, hainservi shoulce-reld atednot be bucsinonsidesses eredof al essentl sizes. Tial the ermdis andversi ctyondi of ctiareer ons ofopport a joinunit ties emoffered ployer thrstaough ndardthe. food industry provide individuals with employment at any stage of life and any ed ucation level. Adapting to Supply Chain Challenges and Consumer Demands in an Evolving Economy Operational Flexibility is Key for the Food Industry Th e food industry is ever evolving due to many factors including supply chain challenges, consumer trends and FMI mdeemmandber sc, aompanind ecoes norelmiyc on condibusitionsness. -Thtoe -bustafsinfingess nreleedatis ofonshi manups fofar vcturarious ing, woperatiarehousional ng,nee andsd . retAs suailincg h, mwe ust are veremrain y conflexcibernele td o thmeat tethe theseNPR cMhange woulds and upended mandthese s. viThtale openaturerati onalof the arraNPngeRMme’s cnts ase-bbyy e-ssentcase ially adjdeemudiincatig eveon oryf ba jusiointness emp-to-loybusimeness nt standrelatiard onshiwilpl cas a jause a sointig enimpficloyant er reamoulationshnt of uipnc. Tehe rtaiNnty fPRMor t’s sighe nifood andficant exconsumpansion er gofoods i the esndusentstriayl , as iterms llustrand atedcondi by ttiwons o evofolvi a jng ointsuppl empyloy chain, er releaticononomiship c, and to captureconsum healter treh annds d saf– on ety demand delivery service and ecommerce ordering, and sourcing of local goods and in-store foodservice. DstandSineccee mbards antheer onse7, d 20t hours 2o2f the o pf wandeork and smic, theched inculreinased g wodeuld mandnegati for on vely idempmaand ct evdeeryliv aspeery sect rvialong ces and the efocomod meand rce orderic onsumnge r ghas oods suskyrocketedpply c. hain.Acco rding to our most recent annual membership survey, 91% of FMI members reportMs. Rox hanne avingL onl. Rotinhse salechilds, compared to 50% pre-pandemic. FMI members are constantly navigating the FMoperatiExeIc mutiemve onal bersSecneeret have ds aryof u nithiques in ncreasedeeds in dememetand ing frostaffm intheg irreq customuirementers. s iFoon stored rets, dailers istriare butcion ontifanuallcilitiey s, aevaluatind ng diNawhetvitisionsonal her aLthrnd aboughoutor Relhow tatio tcons ontheir Bracoardbusit wness ith vendoperatiors onfor pars. In t addior alltion t homeo hi drielng iverydirec ant d/or ordemployees, er fulthefillise ng busiservinecsseses. Th is fulfil1in0c1lu5l de Hoperatials f Streedireconal t-t froSneeEm -shelds throughf order pivendcking, orsw, carehouontractss, and e staffinteg mpto oraharyndl stae ecffinogmm relatercionshe orderipss, . Uand tilizinlastg themile exdeWashingpertlivery to custiseton, andD spC omers’ec 2i0alt57y h0 s-okill0me00s of 1s. Ththee se decseparisionate s that busingo iento sses theshoulse staffd not incg onsneetids tutare ce a jointonstant emp and loyer and fo r regional and national grocery stores, often made at a local level based on consumer demand. SRE: upeNrmarPRM ketStas cnarrdayr bd etfowreen Dete 30rmi,00n0i-n5g 0,0Joi00n itndi-Emviplodualy perroduc Statutss ; on Dockstore et: sNhelLRBves.-2 Foo022d -0ret001ail ers rely on Awddholeitionalsalerly, s andfood produretailcers t supplhave iersex/perimanuenfacedctur an ers inctoreased bring deprodumand cts tfoo tr locheiallr sty sourores andced fo dod istriabutnd ionsproduc centtsers. , and WholeDear inM-salers store s. Rothrelfoodserviscyhi on ld:prod cesuc, suct supplh as iechef prs/manufareparedctur statiers ons andto deliver grabprodu-andcts -goto toptiheions.r wa rehLocouses al produand cts such as produ distributce, ion specfaialcilittyie jams. Ps aroduct supnd saucespl, and iers/mbaanufked gactourers ods arerely of on ten commsourcodiedty fro produm smalcerl s andbusinesse other s andvendors vendto ors. FMbriFresh ng I – inprepThgree Fooared dientd foIs andnduodsstr iannpy d Autsssocgrab to iat-theandionir- fac go appreiloptiiticesiaton –es s a antre d he sofo forth opportuten produand nitycs edtoo on b wyri or thrte rosourcegughardiout edng frothe them e lontiStandacre al smalsupplrd fol y cr hain. Dbusietermnesseinins ag nd Jointvend-Emporslo. yer Status notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) (Docket: NLRB-2022-0001) and Allto exbusipress nessecos alncernong s abothe suut a pplnewy c hain joint utiemlizple oa hosyment t ofstand local, rardeg. Thioe nal, command ennts ational belowvend discorsuss , chontrow tache tors, and outsiexThpansion e dedec isistaffons tofin thego all to essuposentcate pliayaddil pterodurms tional cand ts and wcoondirkfmoorctive onse go– wreods.hetgardi her Retng ailbyhealers dirofethcte t andemn rel plsayoyfet on outmey and nt sidor thoue hroughcrs of ompaniew vorendk and s torso p, rovide cstaffscontrahedinulg cts infog,or str p as roduafwfingelcl t as th firsortimeng, s unc– to pallerthandletain izane tiature on, lincreoaofased di cng aseecof-ommby truc-caerks,se ce, dadrilojuvicding allcyatiprodu-souron, chacedts from ve, and the pfomanuotenodservifatial cturcto e ers deupemor nands d theof wAbusimearehnessricouses an -toconsum-to busitheness er indis iops vioferatidual the reonal utmtairell ost stores, atiimonshipounlrtanps oadithce at ng, to have FMand I mbeeresortiemn tng he oUnf prodcorecert ofainuc thets ty abode food ipenut diwndung hetstron stheyr t for dhesorae ge g dereqAddcuiisiitremionalons entand ly, FMs, busucI isinh s a mas teess-etompmb-busieratureer ofness the . OrelConaticalie ounltinshion foroadps, ed a Demosome and reofc movewratihicch Word are wfrom kplaitthh ce eloc transport(CDW)al, sm alland ati vendsigon nedors, and thewdioulst criommd buttriion ggenter a jcleyttcointleer , prfil eedmpodu bloycyts ter he muadjcst oudialibe ticon.atistocon i Thked e s vCDonto eryW l usheletnsetter dves tlinetg.or iail s lnto egstores’al argum manentys as t uniqueo w shyec a ntions. Foew stod andretard iails ners ot relmey on rited theand ir is ow arbitn emrarply andoyees caprias wceliousl as ven under dorsthe, c laowntr. acted help, and staffing resources to fill important gaps in Conc stocking lusioneen ds, such as specialized skills for stacking produce or bakery products, to temporary needs such Aas hols the idfoayod or seasoindustrnal y assdiocspliatayion, s. FMI works with and on behalf of the entire industry to advance a safer, To healreithiteerrate, , and at tmore he heart efficiofent t che onsumfood einr food dustrysu is oupplyr co chmmain. FitmeMI bnt rito ngs a togsafer, ether heala wthiidere , and rangemore of meffemicibers ent acAconsumt roeacss th he ester food suvaluep on t che hain pplfoody –c hf androm ain. cThretonse ailproposedumers er thatgoods se nlle twsuo jocpplonsumint yem chain, plers, toytheer o prodstandre are uard hcnuers meathats trous hhe supotepplealtynti fh ood andand al to ssigafet otniyfic her antly diregprodusruptulatic ts, ons ttheas w food andhat ell muas thst cbe e onwsummeide t. er varieIn goodsfatcyt, of F MsupplcompaniI’s Safy ce heaias pnd n byrovidQ dualieemintyg Foods incrig tiancal yInsti servibusitutcnees e ss(–SQFI- toto -amplbusi) serveneifyss res t ashe lata collglionshobectial ve iple tader whatork inoffa c tththe orse estin industabli healryshmth . and ent of safstetyandards standardfor s andfood h inoudurs ostryf w profeork and ssionalssched. Aulddinitg ionasall a jy, tointhe emovemploymeer nt reloatif goonods shipfro. m faAddrm itto ionalmanuly, tfahe cturnatureing fa ofc tilithe y tco daseist-byribut-case aion cdjentudier catito on store undsheler thef req NPuiRres M a cdoes omplnot exgi wve eb FMofI s mchedembulers ingthe to Thpresecerte aintforve od y ntheineeddust freshnedry t po addess rovidarnd es ess safa wcurrenetidye ofrange t foand od future ofand fullc-octionsummensum, parter er produ-tretimends, sects , supplaswhional, cyh caand hreain preseflexchallibnteengle d wesinor a m, kfand orannerceevol v thating opportumakes economifonicod cties ondiand inti a dpronsoduciv.ers Fote rs a tvarieheseppety reali of ng asons acand areers easnd andyothe to f srerveins artid sfo cas rul catedan onsumessen in ters he tial wCitemDh Wplli mileoyttteer erd , tintihe emeverNP to shopy RcMomm is a v. Comuniasttypl around ying wtheoverreaith chealountrch th yand . Fand MshIs mafouldemety n stbeoandards rs it be ncimludepland em food rentlaweds etand .ail ers, coordiwholenatisalerng s, and hours prodof workuct and suppl sciehedrs who empuling betwloeeny m illions of Abusi menessericans is aln ong consumthe serup-facplyin cg, hainservi shoulce-reld atednot be bucsinonsidesses eredof al essentl sizes. Tial the ermdis andversi ctyondi of ctiareer ons ofopport a joinunit ties emofSincfered plereloyer ythr, staough ndardthe. food industry provide individuals with employment at any stage of life and any ed ucation level. Adapting to Supply Chain Challenges and Consumer Demands in an Evolving Economy O perational Flexibility is Key for the Food Industry Christine Pollack The food industry is ever evolving due to many factors including supply chain challenges, consumer trends Vice President, Government Relations and FMI mdeemmandber sc, aompanind ecoes norelmiyc on condibusitionsness. -Thtoe -bustafsinfingess nreleedatis ofonshi manups fofar vcturarious ing, woperatiarehousional ng,nee andsd . retAs suailincg h, mwe ust are veremrain y conflexcibernele td o thmeat tethe theseNPR cMhange woulds and upended mandthese s. viThtale openaturerati onalof the arraNPngeRMme’s cnts ase-bbyy e-ssentcase ially adjdeemudiincatig eveon oryf ba jusiointness emp-to-loybusimeness nt standrelatiard onshiwilpl cas a jause a sointig enimpficloyant er reamoulationshnt of uipnc. Tehe rtaiNnty fPRMor t’s sighe nifood andficant exconsumpansion er gofoods i the esndusentstriayl , as iterms llustrand atedcondi by ttiwons o evofolvi a jng ointsuppl empyloy chain, er releaticononomiship c, and to captureconsum healter treh annds d saf– on ety demand delivery service and ecommerce ordering, and sourcing of local goods and in-store foodservice.