Active Assailants:
Time for a New Approach 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
(2:00 pm ET / 1:00 pm CT / 12:00 PM MT/ 11:00 AM PT)

This webinar is free to FMI members and non-members

Seminar Description: 

As the recent events in Buffalo showed once again, tragic acts of violence continue to threaten the lives of our employees, consumers, and communities. It’s a pervasive problem in our society that requires a renewed and urgent approach to preparation, response, and recovery.  

Join this vital and timely conversation to gain a better understanding of the changing nature of active assailant threats, the motivations behind them, and steps you should take now to protect your customers and employees.

We’ll also discuss how we can collaborate more effectively as an industry to share best practices on identifying, preventing, and minimizing violent conflict, and learn about training and mitigation resources available to retailers through FMI’s partnership with The Power of Preparedness (TPOP).


  • William (Bill) Flynn, TPOP co-founder and chief strategy officer, and former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Infrastructure Protection, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • Doug Baker, Vice President, Industry Relations, FMI – The Food Industry

All registered participants receive access to the recording and slides.


FMI Webinars