WASHINGTON, DC — October 10, 2002 — Emphasizing its commitment to keeping consumers informed about food safety and quality, the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) today released a new edition of The Food Keeper, a handy reference guide that addresses issues such as food storage times and food storage temperatures and handling.

“Food storage and handling measures are just as important in the home as they are anywhere else,” notes Dr. Jill Hollingsworth, FMI vice president of food safety programs. “The new Food Keeper guide contains valuable advice to help consumers maintain the freshness and quality of foods, from the store to the table.”

Prepared with the cooperation of Cornell University, the guide provides proper food storage times for hundreds of products in categories such as dairy, produce, breads, meats and seafood and deli. Storage times are given based on the product state, including fresh, frozen, refrigerated and refrigerated after being frozen.

Two new sections — covering product handling during power outages and explanations for product dating terminology — have been included in the revision. There is also an expanded section on handling food safely at home, with an emphasis on food temperatures during preparation and consumption, as well as the four safe cooking rules designated by the international Fight BAC! campaign: Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill.

To obtain a copy of The Food Keeper($1 each; 100 for $45; 1000 for $350; or CD-ROM for $275), visit the FMI Store at www.fmi.org/pubs or call 202-220-0723. For more consumer food safety information, visit the Fight BAC! Web site at www.fightbac.org.