It is through the generous donations of our supporters that the FMI Foundation can complete its mission. Their confidence in the Foundation’s mission and programs is deeply appreciated.

We pledge to be good stewards of your resources and welcome your involvement in the Foundation's varied activities.

Stir It Up Logo2024 Stir It Up!


2023's event brought together retailers and manufacturers for some movie and menu magic - we celebrated film, food, and friends in a special night raising funds for the FMI Foundation.

In 2024, we upped the ante and had our event sponsors lend their creativity towards "feeding the fans" with sports-themed kitchens, menus, and activations. Held for the first time as the Midwinter Executive Conference's opening night event, we welcomed 600+ event attendees, 30+ sponsors, six kitchens, and four activations. Stir It Up!  even featured Midwinter’s first-ever mascot race and awarded 3 Gold Mitt Awards for Best Meal, Best Theme Execution, and Chef’s Pick. 

Feel free to check out our 2024 Stir It Up! sponsors, noted below:

Title Level Sponsor ($100,000+)

Premier Level Sponsors ($50,000-$99,999)

Partner Level Sponsors ($25,000-$49,999)

Supporting Level Sponsor ($10,000-$24,999)

Contributing Level Sponsors ($5,000-$9,999)