By: Sarah Malenich, Senior Manager, Sales & Marketing for the Safe Quality Food Institute  
Food Safety Inspection

Today’s consumers are striving to be more educated about the food they’re eating and providing their families, which leads to questions regarding the safety, quality and ethics about the manufacturing and distribution of their food.  One link in the food chain does not get rattled without it affecting the next link. Customers expect more from their retailers and food service providers, who in turn expect more from their suppliers.

Heightened consumer demand for increased food safety assurances moves down the chain with retailers and service providers asking suppliers to provide verifiable proof that robust food safety control systems have been effectively implemented. These systems must have been properly validated and show evidence of continuous monitoring procedures. This is where the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI) and the SQF Program comes in.  Administered by the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), SQF benefits from continual retailer feedback about consumer concerns. These benefits are passed on to SQF certified suppliers, keeping them a step ahead of their competitors.

Come connect with the SQFI team, Booth 4007 in the Food Safety Pavilion at FMI Connect, to learn more about the benefits of food safety and quality certification, how using the SQF certification program will help reduce assessment inconsistencies and costs of multiple assessment standards, and the importance sourcing responsibly up and down the supply chain to protecting your customer and your brand.